On these two
days, which constitute the conclusion of a two-week lab phase, performative
practices are presented to the public which deal with texts by Hannah Arendt,
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Daria Penta, and others.
Hannah Arendts demand for publicity, her emphasis on the space of appearance
that forms between people through acting and talking, as well as her metaphorical
usage of the terms theatre, actor/actress, and onlooker are matters of interest
for (dance) performance. In "The Thinking", Arendt takes the world
as an appearance, and directly refers to the phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty,
whose text "Intertwining - Chiasm" and the term "flesh"
contained in it will likewise be central issues of the lab.
The specific angle of this laboratory series
is a co-operative encounter of female and male performers, sound designers,
art and culture theoreticians, philosophers and researchers of theatre
study, making it possible to receive impulses from each other and to put
new approaches to the test. A direct connection of art practice and theory
production is intended. Exchange and research are the main aspects. No
production is developed, but sketches and processes are made public at
certain times in which the visitors may participate in various forms for
free or a "pay as you wish" fee.
"Acting is the only action of the Vita
Activa, which takes place directly between people without the mediation
of matter, material and objects."1
"This Between in space is the space of appearance in the most general
sense, the space which is created when people appear before each other,
and in which they are not only present like other animate or inanimate
objects, but expressly make an appearance."2
Boris Hauf
Born in 1974 i London / UK.
Sound creator, musician.
Cello und piano studies in london and at the conservatory of vienna, austria;
saxophone studies at the bruckner conservatory linz; flute studies with
katrina emtage and marc grauwels; philosophy and musicology studies at
the vienna university; autodidactic studies in composition, instrumentation
and counterpoint; studies at SAMT (studio for advanced music & media
technology), linz.
Concerts in europe, north africa, latin america and the usa. Comissioned
compositions for international festivals, radio- & tv-stations, film,
ensembles, solists and theater. International grants and prizes. 8 CD
releases, for example on Durian, Mego, Extraplatte:...efzeg/ grain (durian
012), 2000 /// efzeg: (EX 361-2);1998 /// the eschelberg takes (strynx
records at-n 1401-1);1998 /// fuckhead: video arena (PA 12); 1995 // /fuckhead:
The Male Comedy (mego 025); 1998 /// Das Eigene, GrabenFestTage 1998:
Novotny/Kurzmann/Lehn/Mütter/Hauf- Josef & Josef. Unsere Automaten
(Josef Novotny) (EX-374-2); 1998...
Founder of efzeg; co-founder of pull my daisy; member of ensemble 68;
member of nouvelle cuisine, plays/records with fuckhead, co-operations.
Sabina Holzer:
Born in 1966 in Vienna / A.
Studied physical theatre in Austria and France and contemporary dance
and performance at the Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten Amsterdam. Her approach
is strongly influenced by J.Hamilton, R.Zapora, D.Fleming, L.Booth.
Since 1994 she develops her own work, which has been shown in Nl, G, A,
FR, [for example "Faint voices at their loudest" (solo), "bodies
unfold" (duo), presented at festivals like Moving Mime (NL), Mimos
(FR) or Pandorrafestival (A)].
Since 1998 she lives in Vienna, as a performer closely related to Bilderwerfer
(Daniel Aschwanden) and Toxic Dreams (Josi Wanunu).
She creates her own work in cooperation with e.g. Jörg Weber (Theater
des Augenblicks), Sonja Schmidlehner, Oliver Schrader, Sabine Sonnenschein
(Lab for Performance and postdramatic Acting) and since August 2001 with
Vera Mantero ("thought, poetry and the body in action", "un
etre ici plein").
Heike Oehlschlägel:
Born in 1966 in Frankfort / Germany.
Theatre scientist, free-lance dramatic adviser, studied biology, environment
counselling, German and psychoanalysis. Body training through Asian martial
art, especially Shotokan-Karate. Theatre workshops, practical projects
and productions with Christof Nel, Josef Szeiler, Saburo Teshigawara,
Theodoros Terzopoulos, Manfred Wenninger, and others. According to work
setup, member or chief dramatic adviser of the free theatre group K.Kommando
in Frankfort. Currently works on her dissertation "Präsenz und
Kommunikation - Zur Konstituierung von Gegenwart auf dem Theater Einar
Schleefs" (Presence and
communication - on the constitution of presence in the theatre of Einar
Schleef) in the framework of the graduate college "Zeiterfahrung
und ästhetische Wahrnehmung" (Experience of time and aesthetic
Michaela Pöschl:
Born in 1970 in Neunkirchen/Austria.
Lives in Vienna. 1990-1999 Vienna university, studies art history, special
topics: body art, avantgarde film.
1995-96 University of California Los Angeles, Exchange Student, working
with Paul McCarthy, Amelia Jones and Peter Sellars. Since October 2000
studying film/video with Birgit Hein at the Hochschule für Bildende
Künste in Braunschweig.
Since October 2001 studying with Renee Green at the Akademie für
Bildende Künste in Vienna.
Publications: "Der Körper muss hart sein / I tense the muscles
in my stomach till I puke", in: Swamp Journal, ed. Helmut Ploebst,
co-operation with Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Wiener Festwochen and tanz2000.at,
Vienna 2000.
"Kurt Kren. Die Aktions-Filme. Schnitt und Perversion" (Kurt
Kren. The action films. Cutting and perversion), Tectum Verlag, Marburg,
autumn 2000.
"Lets make it Halloween. Get out your knife, carve me like a pumpkin
and then lets fuck. Thoughts on the flesh of Kurt Kren, Paul McCarthy
and Ron Athey", in: Kurt Kren, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Julius
Hummel, Vienna 1998.
Performances in Richard Heller Gallery and CalState Fine Arts Gallery
(1996), in dietheater Konzerthaus (1997), dietheater Künstlerhaus
(2000), and others.
Videos: "Der Schlaf der Vernunft" (The sleep of reason, 1999),
"Ich bin der letzte Dreck" (I'm no better than dirt, 2000),
Ausstellung/exhibition (2001).
Sabine Sonnenschein:
Born in 1970 in Klosterneuburg / A.
Choreographer, performer
theatre studies, philosophy and art history at Vienna university (no degree).
Dance and performance education: contemporary dance, classical ballett,
contact improvisation, release techniques, developmental movement, physical
theatre and voice in Vienna and NYC (with David Steele, Zvi Gotheiner,
Donna Uchizono, Jeremy Nelson, Andrew Harwood, Gill Clarke, Wendell Beavers,
Lloyd Newson, Meg Stuart, Meredith Monk...)
Scholarship by Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und
Kunst / Austria for dance studies in NYC 1994/95.
Participant in European Choreographic Forum 4 in Dartington/GB organized
by Butterfly Effect Network (BEN); member of BEN.
1996 Choreodrome of the Place Theatre/London for a project in collaboration
with Annis Joslin/GB.
1999 (concerning the production "EXEO") "THE WIND"
- award for the innovative and experimental features given to the body
- /"5th PUF Pula International
Theatre Festival" (Pula/Croatia)
Performances at international festivals: "ImPuls Tanz" (Vienna),
"imagetanz" (dietheater Künstlerhaus, Vienna), "neuer
tanz" (WUK, Vienna), "Tanzsprache" (WUK, Vienna), "kostprobe"
(Tanztendenz, Munich), "Sprachen des Körpers" (Stuttgart),
"4+4 Days in Motion" (Prague), "5th PUF International Theatre
Festival" (Pula; Croatia), "Solo Dance 2001" (St.Petersburg)
etc.; and "Knitting Factory" (NYC), "Altes Stadthaus"
(Berlin, in a cooperation).
Initiated Lab for Performance and
Post-Dramatic Acting.