My dick is a cock is a dick is a cock -
investigating the genitals or just an-other cum shot
(performance, solo version)

Photo: (c) Robert Peres
April 9th, 2010
7:00 & 8:00 p.m.
in the frame of KIOSK
WUK, Im_flieger,
Währinger Straße 59, A-1090 Vienna
pay as you can
Idea, choreography: Sabine Sonnenschein
Performance: Sabine Sonnenschein (AT)
Music: Jorge Sánchez-Chiong (VEN/AT)
Camera & editing (video): Roman Hiksch (AT)
Performance (video): Mätthäus Proskawetz (AT),
Sabine Sonnenschein (AT)
Support by: Stadt Wien, ttp WUK, WUK
Don't you know that my soul lives in different bodies?
Enjoy what you have and/or create your own gender!
Pussy power meets penislust!
A packer is a transtoy made of cyberskin or another material. You wear
it in your pants to feel what it might be like to have male genitals.
The performer isn't trying out Drag King-ing, but male genitals.
- Photos: Sabine Sonnenschein, photographed by Bernhard Peball, 1999
This performance was presented on February, 20th and 21st, 2010 at
Schwelle 7 in Berlin. The first version of the performance was shown
at symposion
pornonom in February 2009 at WUK, Vienna

Photo: (c) Robert Peres