
Foto: (c) Viktor Brázdil
A heteronomy and sex experiment
Marty Huber (performance
theorist / A)
Sabine Sonnenschein (choreographer, performer
/ A)
Brigitte Wilfing (choreographer, performer
/ A)
+ guests for 4 days each:
Stefan Nowotny (philosopher
/ A)
Robert Steijn (performer, author / NL)
Tim Stüttgen (visual artist, author
/ D)
Concept, organisation: Sabine
Video documentary: Roman
Opening on:
April 5, 2007, 6:30 p.m. (focus:
power & violence)
April 10, 2007, 6:30 p.m. (focus: queer
& post porn)
April 14, 2007, 6:30 p.m. (focus:
Tanzquartier Wien / Studios,
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Limited number of guests
Please reserve your tickets at: tanzquartier@tqw.at
or +43-1-5813591
Pay as you wish
In this experimental approach,
pornographic works (hardcore pornos and
art films) will be adapted in the context of settings, and
superimposed with performance, embedded in tantric rituals, analyzed,
and discussed: How do pictures of bodies speak to our body directly?
What semiotics are we dealing with here? What is the essence of the
pornographic language?
This project brings together positions based in performance,
performance theory, visual art, philosophy, and film theory.
"The political relevance of our sexual maturity
and bondage is
apparent. We are sexually liberated, emancipated hedonists, saturated
with power discourses but also full of sensibilities. Is the dildo the
means to gain the radical sexual gender emancipation that the anus
promises us?"
(Sabine Sonnenschein)
Support by:
City of Vienna/Culture Department,
Tanzquartier Vienna, ttp WUK, WUK
Foto: (c) Viktor Brázdil